Tuesday, March 25, 2014


The 27th General Chapter of the Salesians of Don Bosco this morning elected Rev. Angel Artime Fernandes (age 53) as the new Rector Major of the Society and the 10th Successor of Don Bosco.

He was born on 21 August 1960 at Gozon-Luanco, in the Asturie region of Spain.

Fr Fernandes has degrees in theology, philosophy and Pastoral Pedagogy.

He  belonged originally to the Salesian Province of Leon, Spain. He has served as Principal of a school, Province delegate for Youth Pastoral, member of the Provincial Council, and Vice Provincial before being appointed Provincial of Leon in 2000 and completed his six year term in 2006.

He was a member of the Technical Commission that prepared for the 26th General Chapter.

In 2009 Fr. Angel was appointed Provincial of the Salesian Province of Argentina South, a responsibility he carried out with great efficacy until today.

As Provincial he collaborated on a number of projects with then Archbishop of Buenos Aires – and now Pope Francesco.

Fr Fernandez is known for his administrative skills and pastoral concern, both of which will assist him to open a new chapter in the history of the Salesian Congregation.

Sunday, March 23, 2014


In this homily I pick up three thematic words from today’s sacred scripture, make a few brief reflections, ask some questions and give time for us to open ourselves to whatever arises spontaneously within us as response and perhaps also speak to God quietly in our hearts.

The first word: JOURNEY

In today’s’ first reading we are reminded of the journey of the Jewish people from Egypt to the Promised Land. I am sure they had set out on that journey with great enthusiasm, glad to leave behind their slavery and oppression. But today we find them tired of that journey; they are discontented and grumble against Moses their leader. They want to go back to the slavery in Egypt.

Referring to ourselves: We are today making multiple journeys simultaneously. For example: we have our spiritual and vocational journey. We are making a Lenten Journey; and we are experiencing together in a special way the journey of this General Chapter.

How do we really feel about these journeys? What is happening to us on these journeys? What is the level of our enthusiasm and passion on our spiritual and vocational journey? What progress have we made on our Lenten Journey? Have we really experienced any “metanoia”/conversion or life continues as usual?

In this context, I recall a sentence from the book of Revelation that I often meditate upon. In Chapter two, in the letter to the Christian community at Ephesus, the one like the Son of Man says: I am very happy with all that you have accomplished for my name’s sake. “But I have this against you. You have lost the love you had in the beginning” (Rev. 2, 4 ). 

This condemnation perhaps may have some relevance to the first module of our Chapter theme: Mystics in the Spirit. Has our focus on frenetic apostolic activity made us forget the primacy of God – the passion for God which is the primary rationale for our religious life choice? We could be working very hard for God and forget that God for whom we are working. Could this be true of us?

Lent is a time to recapture the love we had in the beginning. What efforts are we making to that effect? ….
We have been making our Chapter journey for a long time, more than three years beginning with the Provincial Chapters. We have been making this journey more intensely here at the Generalate for nearly a month now. How are we feeling about this journey at this juncture? Are we tired, disappointed, dissipated, even grumbling like the Jews, or still full of passion, enthusiasm and optimism? How do we really feel about way the Chapter is functioning?

We pause a moment to stay with whatever has been evoked in us through these considerations …. And may be also speak honestly to God about what has been evoked….

Second Word: THIRST

The Jewish people on the desert road thirsted for water. Thirst brings the Samaritan woman to the well. Her thirst for love/lust had led her to five husbands. They had not satiated her. And she was still thirsting. Thirsting for truth; thirsting for social acceptance and inclusiveness; thirsting for some certainty about the messiah. Can we see something of this woman in us? What? …

Jesus is thirsty and asks the woman for a drink. What does this image of Jesus sitting at the well, alone, tired, longing for a cup of water evoke in us? …

What are we really thirsting for? What is the desire welling up from deep within us? St. Ignatius of Loyola said, “You are your deepest desire.” Do we recognise what our deepest desire today is? If we do, what are we doing to satisfy it? …

Do we know what our young people today are really thirsting for? What to do we do to satisfy that thirst? Recognising and responding to that thirst might make us Servants of the Young.

--------- (Pause for reflection and prayer) ------

Third Word: GIFT (“Donum Dei”)

Jesus tells the Samaritan woman: “If only you knew the gift of God…” He then speaks of “living waters” as the gift. We know that scripture scholars and theologians have provided many interpretations as to what that gift is; what the living water is.

 We don’t need to bother about any of those interpretations. They are really irrelevant.

What is relevant is what we ourselves recognise that gift to be for us today.  What is the gift Jesus is offering each of us personally today? What is the gift that the Lord is offering our Congregation through this 27th General Chapter at this critical juncture in its history? How are we opening ourselves to these gifts?

What is the gift that the Lord wants to offer young people today through us, through our congregation? How are our discussions and deliberations in the Chapter helping us to discern this gift?
….. (Pause for reflection and prayer) …..

An Indian Twist on the Samaritan Woman Story

I like to conclude these reflections with a few lines from Rabindranath Tagore, the Indian poet, from his Nobel Prize winning little book “Gitanjali” (Garland/Offering of Songs) that can add a new perspective to the Samaritan Woman’s story and personalise it:

“I was alone at the well where the shadow of the tree fell aslant, and the women had gone home with their brown earthen pitchers full to the brim. They called me and shouted, “Come with us, the morning is wearing on to noon. But I languidly lingered a while lost in the midst of vague musings.
I heard not thy steps as thou camest. Thine eyes were sad when they fell on me; the voice was tired as thou spokest low – “Ah, I am a thirsty traveller.”
I started up from my day-dream and poured water from my jar on thine joined palms.
I stood speechless with shame when my name thou didst ask. Indeed, what had I done for thee to keep me in remembrance?
But the memory that I could give water to thee to allay thy thirst will cling to my heart and enfold it in sweetness.”

….. (Pause for reflection and prayer) …..

Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be. Amen.

Friday, March 21, 2014

News and Views from Rome – 8: CONCERT AT THE SISTINE CHAPEL

Today, 19th March, the Feast Day of St. Joseph,  I joined the members of the General Chapter of the Salesians of Don Bosco for a visit to the Vatican. We were to attend a Concert at the Sistine Chapel.

The Sistine Chapel Choir is currently led by a Salesian – Msgr. Massimo Palombella. He was appointed to this post by Pope Benedict in 2010. He is also a professor at the Pontifical Salesian University of Rome ion the faculty of Theology, Music and Liturgy.

We entered the Vatican through the back door next to St. Martha’s where Pope Francis resides. We could walk through the Vatican Gardens (where the Popes take their private walk) and had a view of St. Peter’s Basilica, not available to the normal tourist.

Even though the concert was a private performance, exclusively for the members of the General Chapter (what a privilege), there was a glossy eight page programme brochure describing the musical pieces that would be performed. The Vatican does things in style! 

The concert in itself was fantastic. It was mostly performance by the Sistine Chapel Choir of famous choral pieces. The clarity and harmony of voices were remarkable. The two pieces that stood out for their grandeur, at least for me, were “Stabat Mater” and “Credo” both by Palestrina.

There were also two organ recitals by Juan Paradell Sole, The Titular Organist of the Sistine Chapel choir.
At the end of the 90 minute concert the audience expressed their appreciation through prolonged applause, which lasted several minutes.

Cardinal Tarcisius Bertone  (a Salesian) and his successor, the current Secretary of State, Archbishop Pietro Parolin, were both present during the Concert.  At the end of the Concert Parolin gave the Salesian “Good Night, for the second time in his life, he said; the first was when he visited the Salesians in the heart of the Amazon. He was glad, he said, today’s Good Night is to an international group of Salesians. He was familiar with the Salesians in Venezuela where he had been the Vatican Envoy earlier.

A number of us remarked among ourselves on the simplicity of Parolin, dressed in simple clergy attire, quite a contrast to the Princes of the Church at the Vatican. That must be one of the reasons Pope Francis chose him to be his Secretary of State.  Parolin has also been very active in peace and justice issues in South America.

We were back at the Generalate for supper.  And praise the Lord!  We were served beer for the first time! That really marked the feast day of St. Joseph as different from all our days at the Chapter.

Tuesday, March 18, 2014

News and Views from Rome - 7: Visit to Naples

I had the opportunity a few days ago to go on  an outing  with the members of the General Chapter to Naples. One hundred and twelve of us made the trip.

Our first stop was the Salesian Provincial House. From there we visited several churches, especially the Basilica of the Restitution where the congealed blood of St. Januarius, the Patron and Protector of Naples is venerated.  The dean of the Cathedral gave us insights into the story of St. Januarius, the history of the Basilica, the annual celebrations and miracles attributed to the Saint.

We also had a meeting with the Cardinal Archbishop of Naples, who spoke of his high regard for the Salesians and the work they do in the Archdiocese.

We strolled through the narrow gullies of ancient Naples lined with shops selling variety of exotic souvenirs.

After a lunch at the Yacht Club of Naples (sponsored by the Province of Naples) we had time to wander around the Bay of Naples, with Mount Vesuvius (notorious for the volcanic eruption that destroyed ancient Pompeii) in the background.

We made our way back (a long walk) to our buses around 6.00 pm and reached back at the Salesian Generalate in Rome around 9.30 pm.

Friday, March 14, 2014

News and Views from Rome – 6: OFFICIAL OPENING OF GENERAL CHAPTER 27

General Chapter 27 of the Salesians of Don Bosco was officially declared open by the Moderator Rev. Francesco Cerda at 1.04 pm on Monday 3rd  March in the presence of a number of cardinals, bishops and representatives of the Salesian Family. 

The Chapter is being held at the World Head Quarters of the Salesians, popularly known as the Generalate, at 1111 via della Pisana, Rome.

The opening day commenced with the Mass of the Holy Spirit presided over by the Rector Major, don Pascual Chaves Villaneuva. 

The opening session began at 10.30 am. After the invocation of the Holy Spirit and the reading and enthronement of the Gospel the Rector Major  made his opening remarks. He highlighted the dynamics that have been operating on a global level in the Salesian congregation in the last six year period.

In his message to the Chapter Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz,  Prefect of the Congregation for Consecrated life and  Societies of Apostolic Life, who took the centre seat on the dais, flanked by the Rector Major and the Moderator, focused on communion and fraternity in Community – its relevance and importance today.

Salesian Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, Chamberlain  of the Holy Roman See, spoke on behalf of all the Salesian Bishops and Cardinals.

Mother Yvonne Reungoat, Superior General of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians thanked the Salesians for all the spiritual help offered to her sisters and expressed her congregation’s special affection for Fr. Pascual Chaves.

Signora Noemi Olga Bertola, World Coordinator for the Salesian Cooperators and Signora Olga Krizova spokesperson for the Salesian Family could not deliver their messages, even though present in the Aula Magna for the purpose, as time ran out! The talks by the four previous speakers  had taken three hours and it was time for lunch.

The Moderator then officially declared the Chapter open. It was 1.04 pm.

The opening day concluded with a wonderful musical concert by the Pentaphon, an internationally famous brass ensemble.

Tuesday, March 11, 2014


The days following the official opening of the Chapter were devoted to setting up the machinery – structures and processes --necessary to run the Chapter smoothly.

04/03/14. Tuesday
On 4th Tuesday, the Rector Major presented one name from each of the Regions from among whom the three Moderators of the General Assemblies were to be elected by absolute majority.  

The three elected by absolute majority were Fr. Leonardo Mancini from the Central European region, Fr. Jimenez Manola from the Tropical Africa region and Fr. Raphael Jayapalan region (Provincial of Chennai)  from South Asia  region. Mancini  was elected in the first ballot. The other two in the second.

The moderator then called attention to the Regulation of the Chapter and told the members to spend the rest of the morning studying these regulations. These were approved by the Assembly later in the day.

5/3/13. Ash Wednesday
The morning session was devoted entirely to the discussion and approval of the Regulations of the Chapter. There were lively interventions and some modifications of the draft before it was approved.

The afternoon session was devoted to formation of Commissions. Before lunch each member had been given an opportunity to make his preferences known in writing.

There are four commissions discussing the theme of the Chapter and one Juridical Commission. Each commission elected a President, a Reporter and a Secretary.

6/3/14. Thursday
The entire morning was spent in the study of the Report of the Rector Major in the Commissions and reporting on them.

In the afternoon statistics were presented on the global reality of the Congregation which helped to better understand the Report of the Rector Major. 

7/3/2014. Friday
The Rector Major gave his response to the observations and questions (from commissions and individuals) on his report. He delegated questions related to the sectors to the Regionals concerned, who were also on the dais along with him.

This was continued in the morning session on 7th. Saturday afternoon was free.