The 10th National Meet of the Conference of Catholic Psychologists of India (CCPI) was held at Nav Sadhana,
Catholic Psychologists and Counsellors had been meeting every year for three days since 2000. Two years ago they officially formed a Conference, with Dr. Jose Parappully as its first President.
The theme of this year’s meeting was “Children with Special Needs.” The meeting was commenced with a Eucharist presided over by Fr. Subhash, the General of the Indian Missionary Society (IMS) who have their headquarters and motherhouse at
The inaugural session was presided over by Most Rev. Patrick D’Souza, Bishop Emeritus of
The Chief Guest, Professor Indramani Lal Singh, Head of the Department of Psychology at Benares Hindu University (BHU) described needs of special children as a “gigantic challenge” for the profession of psychology, a challenge that has to be met with sensitivity and love. He pointed out that the two major “disorders” children suffer from today are the Disorder of Incompetence and the Disorder of the Fear of Failure
The resource person for the first day, Mimansa Popat, a Special Education Consultant and Counsellor from Mumbai, presented an overview of Different Forms of Learning Disability, and some typical academic problems of learning disabled children, and the skills required in working effectively with these children.
On the second day, Suzanne Rodricks, an expert in Special Education and Learning Disabilities and a Member of the Rehabilitation Council of India and former faculty of Centre of Special Education, SNDT Women’s University, Mumbai, helped the participants understand the World of Special Needs Education. She described the different forms of special needs and ways to address them.
On the third day, Dr. Jose Puthenveed, Director of St. Joseph’s Guidance and Counselling Centre, Kollam, presented the psychosocial problems of school children. He highlighted the major problems affecting school children currently, some of their causes and the behavioural approaches and interventions that are helpful in addressing them.
There were also moments of relaxation too. On the first night participants were treated to a cultural programme by the students of Nav Sadhana College of Music and Dance. On the second day participants went on a “Varanasi Darshan,” the highlight of which was participation in the “Maha Arati” on the banks of the river
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